Thursday 15 September 2011

Earn From E-bay And other such sites.

Its the Era or internet and technology. Millions people interact, which has make life easy in many ways. One of the things it really has affected sale and purchase. In past shopkeepers used to earn high profits as they pay less to the sellers and get more from the buyers. Now if you want to sell something you just have to post a ad on any sale and purchase website. Customers have a look at your item and if they like it they will contact you through your cell number which you mention on your post. You both negotiate on a price b/w the selling and buying price so you both have a good deal. One of the best sites you would find for sale and purchase is E-bay and Olx.
Now if your from Asian countries and you have someone living abroad you can look for an item on these two and other related sites. Usually in developed countries there is no second hand market so people sale their items on these sites. Choose the item and tell your friend about it and ask him to buy it for you and bring it when he/she returns. Before choosing the item analyze the demand of the item in your country and also the selling price. When you get your product, just sell it on internet and earn profit. Last time around i asked my friend to bring 3 IPhones and our profit was around 300$. So try it out.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Handling your queries.

If you have any kind of questions regarding earning online do comment here. You can ask for review of any side or any kind of thing which you think is confusing for you.

Review of Earning from Uploading.

In the Earlier Post it was mentioned how to earn from uploading files on different servers. Now we would analyze the whole system. The working mechanism is rather simple. You upload the files on certain server, you get a download link of your post and if someone downloads it from there you make money. Usually most of the sites pay per 20 to 30$ per thousand downloads which looks quite stupid(in propotion you get 0.020 to 0.030$ per download). So what really makes the differences is that, If you somehow manage to upload around 100+ files and post download link to 10+ sites each(*Be smart to choose the related and the most crowded sites which is not really hard to find just Google your related download which you have uploaded and choose the first 10, usually they are the most crowded sites). Now you stop working, and at the end of the day probability is high that from a thousand+ downloads you can easily find one a day(mapping to each link), which makes it thousand a month at least. So without doing anything you get 20 to 30$ a month easily. That's why i highly recommend to spend at least a month on that and then you will able to make money without even working. 

Earning 10 to 15,000 by working from Home( for Lahore,Pakistan users only)

Many of you might seen advertisments suggesting you can easily earn by just working from home. So you might wonder how can it be possible. The pre-requistes  are basic information about computer and internet. This is what you should have to get started so how can you start and how much can you earn should be the question. First of all you would have to purchase an online account where you will find the instructions and have all the information regarding your account. We would provide you as many as websites you want. For each websites you have to post our given ads and you would paid per ad. We offer different packages. Choose the one which suites you. 

Its a Canadian ad pasting company who has its customers centres in Pakistan and various other countries. To visit the offiicial website click here. We are honoured to have one of their customer centres in Lahore, Pakistan. For more information:
Mustehsan Riaz 0345-4769004

Tuesday 13 September 2011


I have seen a lot of scam on internet. To increase traffic blog or web owners try to encourage people coming to their website by placing attractive offers which are mostly fake. So in this post I will try to explain how can you really judge that the scheme is valid or not. What people do is just start working because they thing sign up is free so nothing is at stake and at the end of the day their effort go in vain. So just remember these points before getting registered to money earning websites.
·       Before getting registered to a website Google the website reviews. It really helps to know if the website or blog is scam or not. Try at least three to four reviews and if the web review is good you should feel safe to start.
·       Hard work and patience is the key. Give the job proper time and don’t expect too much. You can’t be a billionaire in one night. So don’t try to over think just focus on the job.
·       At some point of time you may be carried away because the work demands time and the payment is not much. You can increase your income by making referrals (which almost all the earning sites provide).
·       Many sites offer very good money, like 1$+ per click and they usually cash out on 1000$. Almost all of them are fake. Earning sites are there to make money so they can’t offer much so don’t get greedy.
·       If in case you leave it, then atleast have a look at the websites you registered once a month may be you would be making good money from your existing referral so you earn while you are not working.
The beauty of online jobs is that you are your own boss. Just work as you like and when you like. If you find a good web for earning just don’t try too many things, just focus on the work you have. Work hard and best of luck for your job :) 

Click here to have a look at our recommended ways to earn on internet.

Sunday 11 September 2011

Earn by making a Alert pay account

For almost all the transactions you make for the online money you get you need to have a Alert pay account. I would tell you how to make Alert pay account and how to earn money from it too. It's not the most easiest way but you have to make a Alert pay account to get started with online earning so why not give it a try to earn something. It's like all other sites, you just simply have to register. After registration you get a referal link. From each registration you can make 5 to 10$, which is really good money. So make your Alert Pay account and Start earning. :)
To Get Started with Alert pay CLICK HERE.

Earn Money From PTC(Paid to click)

Note: Highly recommended to Read how to make a Alert pay Account so you can do transactions easily for the money you get. Click here to see that post.

I highly recommend it for beginners who just have some knowledge of internet and want to make money online. So what is PTC(paid to click) and how it works. Its neccessary to know how things work because its the only way how you can judge if the thing should actually work. Large companies and organizations pay PTC companies for their adverts, so these PTC companies try to generate more and more traffic to get more money from the investors. For this they pay you some commision to open their adverts. Here i ll Give you some PTC company links which actually pay.
Now after viewing these sites most of you would be thinking that these companies don't pay much. Wait a min. There are ways to maximize your income on these PTC sites. 
So how can you earn more from PTC sites? As soon as you get registered in your profile you see a tab "Referal Link". You simply has to copy that and refer it your friends, post into related forums. Each referal will work as a source of more income for you. So as the number of referal increase your income will automatically increase. The biggest Advantage of making referals is that if you work hard and make most of them then after sometime you would make good money out of the referals so you don't need to work explicitly. It is what you need. Now you are ready to GO..! 

Earn money by Free Lancing

Note: Highly recommended to Read how to make a Alert pay Account so you can do transactions easily for the money you get. Click here to see that post.

So what basically free lancing is? You offer your services online and in return you get paid. There are various sites where you can just register your self and look for the appropriate jobs. Jobs are divided into categories like content writing, web design and development, Article rewriting, Mobile development many others. So before getting started get registered to any free lancing website. I generally recommend Now here you have various kind of jobs available. Select one according to your skill or interest. You can view projects. You have the project details which contains description about the projects. Description includes the project budget time and specs. Check them and if you feel you can do it. Just apply for that. The employer would have a look at your previous (in case you have it) or ask for any sample work. Show him your abilities and it will be all your yours. I highly recommend people to check the rating of the employer and the review of the employer. Because no one wants to do work for nothing :D Avoid employers with no history. Before making the commitment try to make everything clear including the mode of payment as many countries don't support Paypal or there can be many other issues. After you are done with your job the employer would send you the money as commited. So you are ready to start your free lancing projects so better get started. :) 

Earn money by blogging

Note: Highly recommended to Read how to make a Alert pay Account so you can do transactions easily for the money you get. Click here to see that post.

One of the best way to earn money easily is to make blogs. To increase the traffic keep in mind the Taste of the people. So how would you know what keywords are searched on the internet mostly and from which country. Yes you should keep in mind which keywords are searched most in which country. Why? because Google pays more from traffic coming from countries like US, UK, Canada and Australia. So how can you take the stats and check from which country is most of the traffic coming from, so here is the tool to that. GoogleInsight , just enter the Keyword and it ll tell you where is this keywords searched the most. Making a Blog is as simple as registering for any account.
Step 1:
To get started, you should have a google account.
Step 2:
Login in to through your google account.
Step 3:
Choose the Title and Name of your blog.
Step 4:
Choose a theme and you are done. You can later cutomise your blog if you want to.
Now how can you earn money from blogging.
First of all bring traffic to your blog by posting interesting and effective stuff. Make a Facebook page and promote your blog. Once you are sure that enough traffic is coming to your blog(Atleast 200+) a day, apply for adsense account. It is as simple as making of the blog was. After that Google will throw ads (or you can set, where you want to put your ad) on your blog and from each click on the ad you can make good money. Now for Payouts you can select Paypal, Alert Pay and various others according to which account you are comfortable with and then you can transfer your cash to your bank out and that's it. Get Started and Enjoy....!

Earn Money By Uploading files

Note: Highly recommended to Read how to make a Alert pay Account so you can do transactions easily for the money you get. Click here to see that post.

There are many ways to earn from internet. One of the best way i discovered is to upload files on servers and post the respective link, which would be given to you for each file you upload. There are many websites who pay you good for uploading files and you get money for each download from your link. So how can you really maximize your number of downloads so you can make good money out of it. Well you can paste the link on the related forums, make youtube videos or by telling friends to download it.
Top Sites which pay you for  real are:
File Sonic:

File Factory:
Easy Share:
You can earn 300$ per 1000 downloads for all countries.

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