Wednesday 14 September 2011

Review of Earning from Uploading.

In the Earlier Post it was mentioned how to earn from uploading files on different servers. Now we would analyze the whole system. The working mechanism is rather simple. You upload the files on certain server, you get a download link of your post and if someone downloads it from there you make money. Usually most of the sites pay per 20 to 30$ per thousand downloads which looks quite stupid(in propotion you get 0.020 to 0.030$ per download). So what really makes the differences is that, If you somehow manage to upload around 100+ files and post download link to 10+ sites each(*Be smart to choose the related and the most crowded sites which is not really hard to find just Google your related download which you have uploaded and choose the first 10, usually they are the most crowded sites). Now you stop working, and at the end of the day probability is high that from a thousand+ downloads you can easily find one a day(mapping to each link), which makes it thousand a month at least. So without doing anything you get 20 to 30$ a month easily. That's why i highly recommend to spend at least a month on that and then you will able to make money without even working. 


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