Sunday 11 September 2011

Earn money by blogging

Note: Highly recommended to Read how to make a Alert pay Account so you can do transactions easily for the money you get. Click here to see that post.

One of the best way to earn money easily is to make blogs. To increase the traffic keep in mind the Taste of the people. So how would you know what keywords are searched on the internet mostly and from which country. Yes you should keep in mind which keywords are searched most in which country. Why? because Google pays more from traffic coming from countries like US, UK, Canada and Australia. So how can you take the stats and check from which country is most of the traffic coming from, so here is the tool to that. GoogleInsight , just enter the Keyword and it ll tell you where is this keywords searched the most. Making a Blog is as simple as registering for any account.
Step 1:
To get started, you should have a google account.
Step 2:
Login in to through your google account.
Step 3:
Choose the Title and Name of your blog.
Step 4:
Choose a theme and you are done. You can later cutomise your blog if you want to.
Now how can you earn money from blogging.
First of all bring traffic to your blog by posting interesting and effective stuff. Make a Facebook page and promote your blog. Once you are sure that enough traffic is coming to your blog(Atleast 200+) a day, apply for adsense account. It is as simple as making of the blog was. After that Google will throw ads (or you can set, where you want to put your ad) on your blog and from each click on the ad you can make good money. Now for Payouts you can select Paypal, Alert Pay and various others according to which account you are comfortable with and then you can transfer your cash to your bank out and that's it. Get Started and Enjoy....!


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