Thursday 15 September 2011

Earn From E-bay And other such sites.

Its the Era or internet and technology. Millions people interact, which has make life easy in many ways. One of the things it really has affected sale and purchase. In past shopkeepers used to earn high profits as they pay less to the sellers and get more from the buyers. Now if you want to sell something you just have to post a ad on any sale and purchase website. Customers have a look at your item and if they like it they will contact you through your cell number which you mention on your post. You both negotiate on a price b/w the selling and buying price so you both have a good deal. One of the best sites you would find for sale and purchase is E-bay and Olx.
Now if your from Asian countries and you have someone living abroad you can look for an item on these two and other related sites. Usually in developed countries there is no second hand market so people sale their items on these sites. Choose the item and tell your friend about it and ask him to buy it for you and bring it when he/she returns. Before choosing the item analyze the demand of the item in your country and also the selling price. When you get your product, just sell it on internet and earn profit. Last time around i asked my friend to bring 3 IPhones and our profit was around 300$. So try it out.


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