Sunday 11 September 2011

Earn Money By Uploading files

Note: Highly recommended to Read how to make a Alert pay Account so you can do transactions easily for the money you get. Click here to see that post.

There are many ways to earn from internet. One of the best way i discovered is to upload files on servers and post the respective link, which would be given to you for each file you upload. There are many websites who pay you good for uploading files and you get money for each download from your link. So how can you really maximize your number of downloads so you can make good money out of it. Well you can paste the link on the related forums, make youtube videos or by telling friends to download it.
Top Sites which pay you for  real are:
File Sonic:

File Factory:
Easy Share:
You can earn 300$ per 1000 downloads for all countries.


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