Sunday 11 September 2011

Earn Money From PTC(Paid to click)

Note: Highly recommended to Read how to make a Alert pay Account so you can do transactions easily for the money you get. Click here to see that post.

I highly recommend it for beginners who just have some knowledge of internet and want to make money online. So what is PTC(paid to click) and how it works. Its neccessary to know how things work because its the only way how you can judge if the thing should actually work. Large companies and organizations pay PTC companies for their adverts, so these PTC companies try to generate more and more traffic to get more money from the investors. For this they pay you some commision to open their adverts. Here i ll Give you some PTC company links which actually pay.
Now after viewing these sites most of you would be thinking that these companies don't pay much. Wait a min. There are ways to maximize your income on these PTC sites. 
So how can you earn more from PTC sites? As soon as you get registered in your profile you see a tab "Referal Link". You simply has to copy that and refer it your friends, post into related forums. Each referal will work as a source of more income for you. So as the number of referal increase your income will automatically increase. The biggest Advantage of making referals is that if you work hard and make most of them then after sometime you would make good money out of the referals so you don't need to work explicitly. It is what you need. Now you are ready to GO..! 


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